Über Eyepax

Eyepax wurde 2006 gegründet und hat Büros in Colombo und Stockholm. Insgesamt beschäftigt Eyepax über 140 IT-Experten. Unsere IT-Dienstleistungen decken den gesamten Software-Entwicklungslebenszyklus ab, wobei wir mit einer breiten Palette von Technologien aus den Bereichen Client-Server, Web, IOT, Maschinelles Lernen, Blockchain und Mobile arbeiten.

Unsere Lösungen werden von zertifizierten Softwareingenieuren und Informatik-Absolventen innerhalb eines breiten Spektrums qualifizierter Bereiche sorgfältig ausgearbeitet und entwickelt. Die Software-Entwicklung erfolgt in erster Linie an unseren Offshore-Standorten in Sri Lanka, was eine konkurrenzfähige Preisgestaltung ermöglicht.

Durch die Kombination von technischen Kompetenzen und Managementfähigkeiten mit Branchenkenntnissen und Standardentwicklungsmethoden erreichen wir handfeste Erfolge für unsere Kunden. Zu unseren Kunden gehören multinationale Unternehmen, KMUs und Start-ups, aber auch namhafte staatliche Verwaltungen, Unternehmen des öffentlichen Dienstes und führende Bildungseinrichtungen auf der ganzen Welt.

„Every penny saved on investment is an added penny to your competitive advantage“

The bulk of all Software development is carried out at our offshore production centre in Sri Lanka. This allows us to offer IT services at a substantially lower cost without compromising quality standards. On average you can expect costs to be 30% to 50% lower than most developed countries. The cost advantages provided through our offshore destination, allows your business to innovate its IT solutions more frequently yielding significant competitive advantages, not to mention the obvious cost efficiencies, increased productivity, that all translate in better earnings and increased profits. The very fact that we can deliver more for less compared to more costly onshore IT destinations makes us an attractive IT partner.

The control and management of Eyepax is held by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors decide on strategic matters including approval of the periodic plans and decisions on major investments and divestments.

Mr. Guillaume Alabert

Non-Executive Chairman
Nationality: French

Guillaume Alabert is a serial entrepreneur and private investor focusing on impact investing. As Chairman of Eyepax Guillaume supports the management team sharing his experience to help the expansion of the company and to meet international standards

He is also the Founder and CEO of Prizle, a leading European Charity reward shopping platform. Prior to this he co-founded Mobpartner a mobile performance advertising specialist. In his role Guillaume was instrumental in the ongoing expansion and penetration of MobPartners presence in the Asian market until its acquisition by Cheetah Mobile in 2015.

Before founding MobPartner, Guillaume was an entrepreneur in several start-ups including content provider, Alter Studios; app store, NeXva; and Silk, an outsourcing company. Guillaume holds a MS degree in Computer Science from the engineering school ISTY and a MS in Marketing from ESSEC business school.


Mr. Sanjaya Kodagoda
Executive Director
Nationality: Sri Lankan

As one of the founders of Eyepax, Mr. Kodagoda is responsible for the technology direction of the company. He defines the company’s technical vision and ensures that new technologies are successfully adopted, allowing for new exciting innovative solutions. Sanjaya started his career as a Software Engineer at JBA Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), later acquired by Infor. His rich experience in Enterprise Level software development, solid background in database architecting (both oracle and SQL databases), and technical leadership skills, underpins Eyepax ability to deliver global solutions, embodied by world class software engineering excellence. Mr.Kodagoda holds a graduate diploma in Computer Systems Analysis and Design from the National institute of Business Management of Colombo, and has served as an IT professional since 1998.


Mr. Syard Bos
Executive Director
Nationality: The Netherlands

As one of the founders of Eyepax, Mr. Bos is responsible for the company’s business development strategy. He oversees the company’s expansion into new markets and is responsible for developing new international partnerships. Mr. Bos started his career in IT back in 1998 focusing on business process reengineering and value chain optimization. Together with Cap Gemini, he was responsible for launching Swedens first online booking portal for Silja Line (Tallink) the largest passenger and cargo ferry operator in the Nordic region. His background in economics brings the investment lifecycle and ROI prerequisite into all major IT investments that we undertake. Mr. Bos is a Dutch national, residing in Sweden. His European background to quality management and commitment to detail, has allowed Eyepax to evolve in ways yet unknown to many software companies in the Asian continent today. Mr. Bos holds a degree in Economics from the University of Stockholm, and has served as an IT business analyst professional, since 1996.

„Our team is a paragon blend of individuals from all walks of life that have the analytical, technical, managerial skills and experience to convert exciting ideas into valuable innovative IT solutions“

We are brought together to achieve excellence for our clients and bring pride to the Software Development Industry. Encompassed by tight procedures, proven software development industry standards, and the willingness to continuously challenge and improve, our team of experts; includes Business Analysts, Software Architects, Software Developers, Technical Leads, QA Engineers, Project Managers and Technical Writers, all ready to meet the most demanding expectations.

„By making small changes in our lives we can achieve great environmental benefits“

At Eyepax we recognize our responsibility to protect the environment. We therefore promote various sustainable initiatives, collectively minimizing our operational carbon footprint. Here are some of things we do:

1. We always use CFL and LED energy efficient lighting. Compact Fluorescent (CFL) and Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lamps consume roughly 50 time less energy and offer longer lamp lives.

2. We chose suppliers that have a clear environmental policy and undertake efforts to improve the environment through more eco-friendly products.We Use TCO & Energy Star products.

3. When the option is available, we use electronic devices that are Energy Star or TCO compliant. Such devices are roughly 30% more efficient.

4. We take care of our electronic waste. Obsolete electronic devices, including computers, portables, cellular phones, printers, copying machines, faxes and more are donated or delivered to ECO-stations where they are dismounted and processed for recycling.

5. We only procure devices that come with sustainable warranties allowing for longer product life-cycles. Todays buy and toss mentality is a tremendous strain on our environment.

6. When commuting between larger cities e.g. Stockholm > Malm we will take the high speed train rather than flying. Studies indicate that Trains produce 10- 50 times less than flying.